Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Freedom and the role of civilization
Freedom and the role of civilization Introduction The concept of freedom represents a kind of a notion that bears similarity to different philosophers’ opinions about an important object that grants people happiness, wealth, and longevity. In its different interpretations, freedom has the characteristics that depict it as an ultimate goal of all investigations that scientists and philosophers would like to perform.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Freedom and the role of civilization specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In order to comprehend the concept of freedom from the sociological perspective, it becomes very important to resort to the highly authoritative points of view such as Marx and Freud’s. These two great writers, philosophers, and sociologists attempted to describe the idea of freedom and its importance to society people live in. For instance, Freud admits that people get used to socialize themselves by means of their determining factors’ recognition and investigations of the ideas which motivate people and make them take certain steps in this life. This is why his ideas and works have a close connection to freedom by means of knowledge that people may gain within some period of time and the emotional challenges that may become as serious obstacles to the way of cognition. As for Marx and Engels’ interpretation of freedom, they believe that freedom lies in the relations between people and the ways of how these people behave in society. In other words, Freud’s isolation and Marx’s communication represent the two different sides of one particular issue, freedom. The achievements demonstrated by Marx and Freud play a significant role in the field of sociology and philosophy indeed; Marx believed in the power of labor and recognized the individual as an integral part of society and Freud, in his turn, tried to prove that people should pay attention to their behavior and thoughts by me ans of knowledge; such different approaches for the concept of freedom may serve as a powerful opportunity that promotes recognition of how people care about freedom and how society accept this freedom. Discussion Basics about freedom and the impact of civilization. The vast majority of people still believe that they have freedom in all aspects of their lives and have the right to choose what to do, wear, say, write, etc. According to the general assumptions and believes, each individual has freedom from his/her birth in case this individual does not break the norms and rules sets. However, certain limitations already appear when we mention the existence of rules and norms. These rules and norms bind human freedom in some way so that people cannot even guess that dependence on their own ideas exists. To comprehend the essence of freedom, many philosophers and writers developed their ideas, share their suggestions, and analyze what could make a person free and, at the same time, sati sfy the demands of society and civilization itself.Advertising Looking for essay on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The ideas of Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud provide people with an opportunity to evaluate the concept of freedom and its power in regards to the conditions people live under. Both Marx and Freud’s works deserve certain attention and recognition because their opposite arguments help to create one general picture of how freedom influences human live and interferes the relations between the individual and society. The famous psychoanalysis by Sigmund Freud and not less famous political economy by Karl Marx create powerful and clear grounds for people to continue developing the idea of freedom and the relations which happen between a person and society he/she lives in. â€Å"The urge for freedom, therefore, is directed against particular forms and demands of civilization or against civiliz ation altogether†(Freud 41). This idea shows how Freud defines freedom in terms of the conditions given: he does believe that freedom depends on society and the process of civilization; however, he does not want to believe that civilization can influence human freedom and individuality. He demonstrates the respect to personal knowledge and human abilities to study and grasp the essence, and what he tries to do is to help people comprehend the necessity to become more powerful and freer. Marx, in his turn, underlines that â€Å"the worker is related to the product of his labour as to an alien object†(Marx and Engels 72) so that he unites the idea of freedom and labor into one whole that people cannot divide. Freud about freedom and the role of civilization. Sigmund Freud introduced one of the most powerful and captivating ways of how people could improve their lives and get a clear picture of what they would like to get and could get. His achievements in psychology and the concept of psychoanalysis deserve attention because of several reasons: (1) it helps to change the way people get used to think; (2) it promotes the improvement in language and culture people prefer to use and rely one; and finally, (3) it focuses on all those unconscious drives which influence human activities and demands. To clear up what Freud implied under the concept of freedom and its impact on society, many people try to make use of his Civilization and Its Discontents. This book appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. In this work, Freud describes the peculiarities of those tensions that existed between civilization and the individual.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Freedom and the role of civilization specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More One of the first tension, Freud introduced, implied the fact that people strove for freedom all the time (they want to become free and take the actions in accordan ce with their interests and demands) and civilization had a need of conformity and the line of constant repressions. Even if Freud found enough powerful reasons of why civilization developed restrictions and promoted obedience, he could agree with the fact that people needed to follow rules and be limited in actions. For example, Freud uses the idea of freedom as something pure and constant: people can do what they want and when they want. However, civilization makes it possible to create some rules and norms according to which people have to use their freedom and choices. Freedom of thoughts and actions undergo considerable restrictions such as cruel punishment in case one person takes the life of another person, in other words, murder and possible outcomes. According to Freud, people cannot even imagine how the dependence on some outside factors develops: â€Å"there is nothing of which we are more certain than the feeling of our self, of our own ego. This ego appears to us as so mething autonomous and unitary, marked off distinctly from everything else†(Freud 12). Personal ego creates the feeling that maintains certain and sharp lines of human inherent demarcation. As a rule, the process of sublimation promotes human blindness as for personal dependence on norms set. In general, Freud defines the individual as an anti-social being, and society (civilization) has to domesticate this being in order to achieve certain satisfaction, pleasure, and understanding on the biological level at first. â€Å"It is impossible to overlook the extent to which civilization is built up upon a renunciation of instinct†¦ It is not easy to understand how it can become possible to deprive an instinct of satisfaction†(Freud 42-43). The use of drives makes it possible for the individual to grasp the basics of civilized behavior by means of sublimation and all those suppressed drives that become striving for this person. So, as a result of this suppression, the relations between the individual and society change: even if the person thinks he/she rests the same with the same demands which society has already imposed, his natural (biological) drives become social (suppressed) ones. Marx and Engels about restrictions placed by civilization. The ideas Marx and Engels presented in their work Capital also played an important role in understanding of the concept of freedom and its relation to the individual and society. In comparison to Freud, Marx believed that freedom should take place in society when people began communicating and achieving some common goals together. In the third chapter, the authors properly underline its essence that â€Å"actually begins only where labour which is determined by necessity and mundane considerations ceases; thus in the very nature of things it lies beyond the sphere of actual material production†(Marx and Engels 441). They formulated this concept at the end of the 19th century, when the vast majority of people could imagine another world except the one they lived in.Advertising Looking for essay on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Marx wanted to explain that people should not accept the idea of freedom as some kind of general notion that had no boundaries and restrictions. He conceived that freedom has several degrees because none moral (ethical) perspectives become crucial but political economy that requires particular levels, grades, and stages. Only a socialized person can have freedom together with numerous associated producers that have to regulate and control all interchanges by Nature but not vice versa. It appears that Marx and Engels supported the idea of civilization and its impact on human freedoms and actions: people cannot take a step in case it contradicts some initial instructions that civilization tries to implement. In the chapter IV of Capital, Marx introduces the idea of surplus value that also helps to define the true essence of human freedom and liberty. On the one hand, the idea to compare human freedoms with trade and political economy seems rather absurd and unclear. However, on the ot her hand, such spheres as politics and economics may also help to gain deep understanding of the concept of freedom and realize that even trade relations between people deprive them of the opportunity independently make decisions and live in accordance with personal demands. In the chapter VI of Capital, Marx continues developing the idea of surplus value and explains that freedom influences the development of buyer-seller relations and promotes activities by means of their free will. Marx’s attention to the real of necessity and real of freedom plays an important role when people start analyzing the world of economics to the world of personal freedoms and demands. People cannot always follow their dreams without breaking some rules civilization establishes. Because of such inability to combine personal freedoms and duties, Marx suggests people should pay more attention to the real of necessity in order to decrease time and human energy and to increase the level of human acti vities that people prefer to end independently. At the end of his investigations and analysis, Marx agrees that civilization has an impact on liberty, and the relations between the individual and society have to undergo some changes because economical influence remains considerable whatever conditions exist. Evaluation of Freud and Marx’s opinions. When people start thinking about the semi free society they expect to live in, the vast majority of them cannot comprehend why Marx chooses such a negative position and deprive people of the opportunity to become free and overcome challenges society creates. In comparison to Marx, Freud suggests accepting freedom as an illusion so that people do not have responsibility for anything. Some unknown forces such as ID ego, super ego, and alter ego have a control over human powers and demands, and people cannot gain control over them. When these two philosophers faced the idea of freedom and civilization, they had to take into account th e idea of disintegration or determination on both psychological and economical level. One of them says â€Å"Man (the worker) no longer feels himself to be freely active in any but his animal functions – eating, drinking, procreating, or at most in his dwelling and in dressing-up, etc; and in his human functions he no longer feels himself to be anything but an animal.†(Marx and Engels 74) Such attitude to people and their role in society appears abusive for many people who cannot accept the idea that their animal instincts have to perform the leading role, and their human demands and interests cannot influence their actions and thoughts. From his words, the idea of liberty becomes not only an illusion for people but also the determination of the belonging to animals those people truly believe to handle. In response to Marx’s definite cognition of human freedom and place, Freud exclaims that â€Å"The liberty of the individual is no gift of civilization. It was greatest before there was any civilization, though then, it is true, it had for the most part no value, since the individual was scarcely in a position to defend it.†(Freud 49) Within a short period, it becomes difficult to realize why such different attitudes to freedom and human dependence on civilization interest people in the same sphere. Marx’s approach deprives people of any opportunity to believe in personal dignity and the possibility to get freedom, and Freud admits that only gained deep knowledge may show the way to independence and freedom. The idea to make freedom available seems distant and even incomprehensible, and people have to pass a number of stages to prove their right to get freedom and make use of their independence gained. Conclusion In general, the evaluation of the concept of freedom plays a crucial role in the life of every person. The works of Freud and Marx help to comprehend that among the variety of attitudes to freedom and the individual role in civilization, people have to demonstrate their strong will and desire to achieve liberty by various means. Thought some problems and challenges appear on people’s way to cognition of this concept, people should lose hope to gain proper knowledge of this idea. Freud’s ideas of freedom influence some psychological aspects of life and explain that people do not have freedom due to alter and super egos. Marx denies all kind of freedom because his ideas prove that the individual and civilization come together, and civilization has already created a number of rules and limitations. In spite of differences of these two philosophers’ opinions, it becomes easier to define the essence of freedom in human life and the ideas of how this freedom influences human perception of their role in this world. Marx, Karl, and Friedrich Engles. The Marx-Engels Reader . Ed. Robert Tucker. Second Edition ed. Vol. 1. New York: W.W. Norton Company, Inc., 1978. Sigmund Freud. Ci vilizations and Its Discontents. Ed. Peter Gay and James Strachey. Standard Edition ed. Vol. 1. New York: W.W. Norton Company, Inc., 1961.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
How to Write Your First Screenplay
How to Write Your First Screenplay How to Write Your First Screenplay How to Write Your First Screenplay By Ali Hale Have you ever daydreamed about writing for the big screen? I know I have! Writing a screenplay that gets picked up by Hollywood could see your story reach millions of people – whereas even bestselling novels often only sell in the tens of thousands. Writing a screenplay is very different from writing a short story or a novel, though. There are some specific conventions that you need to know about, in terms of the structure of your story itself, and in terms of how you lay it out on the page. I’m not going to attempt to give you an exhaustive guide in a single blog post – but I’ll take you through all the basics, and give you plenty of links to further reading so you can dig deeper on particular areas of screenwriting that interest you. What’s the Difference Between a Screenplay and a Script? Scripts for plays are laid out slightly differently. They’re designed to be performed live, rather than pre-recorded and shown on a screen. They’ll include stage directions (like â€Å"Exit, stage left†– or Shakespeare’s famous, â€Å"Exit, pursued by a bear†). Screenplays are scripts for something that will be filmed and later â€Å"screened†– shown in the cinema or on TV. They’ll often include instructions for specific shots – e.g. â€Å"CLOSE UP†. Assuming that you’re writing for film, they’ll also have specific length requirements. Coming Up With an Idea for a Screenplay Just as with any type of fiction you write, having a strong idea is essential. Your screenplay should be able to be summed up in a â€Å"logline†– a one-sentence summary of the plot. This logline should include: The protagonist (hero) – e.g. A suburban mother of two. Their goal – e.g. must save her husband The antagonist (villain) or antagonistic force – from a deranged and deadly neighbour. As James Burbridge says, in a great post about constructing a logline: If you can’t write a decent logline of your idea before embarking on the script, then maybe reconsider writing that thing. If it’s unfocused and muddled at the loglines stage, it’s not going to get any better as you write. If you’re short of ideas, you might look for inspiration from: Art or music – could something you’ve seen or heard spark off your story? Something you wrote in the past – perhaps you didn’t have enough material for a novel but it would make a great screenplay. A classic story – there have been many, many films based on fairy tales (Disney has probably cornered the market in these!) and Shakespeare. Your idea needs to be something that will take about 100 – 120 minutes to play out on screen. A minute on the screen equates to about one page of script so that means that your screenplay should be between 100 and 120 pages (when laid out with proper formatting, which we’ll come onto in a moment). Planning and Structuring Your Screenplay All writing has structure, and if you’ve written so much as a short story, you’ll know how important it is to have a beginning, middle and end. Screenplays have a more detailed structure, though. You might think this is restrictive – but there’s a lot you can do within this structure, and it’ll help you shape your ideas so your story doesn’t drag. The standard screenplay structure looks like this: Act I – roughly the first 25% of your screenplay. (20 – 30 minutes on the screen.) This is often called the â€Å"setup†– it’s where you introduce your characters and their world and get the story started. Act II – the middle 50% of your screenplay. (Up to an hour on the screen.) This is often called the â€Å"confrontation†– it’s where you complicate the story and the tension rises. Act III – the final 25% of your screenplay. (A final 20 – 30 minutes.) This is often called the â€Å"resolution†– it’s where there’s a confrontation between the protagonist and antagonist (or antagonistic force) and – normally – the protagonist prevails. Within these acts, there are particular points that you’re expected to hit at specific stages: The first turning point: this comes towards the end of Act I, and it changes things. It’s where the protagonist discovers something, or does something, that means nothing will ever be the same. This is what really kicks off the story. For instance, in the story a suburban mother of two must save her husband from a deranged and deadly neighbour, the first turning point might be the neighbour threatening or even attacking the husband. The second turning point: this comes towards the end of the second act. It raises the stakes and moves the story into the third act. For instance, this second turning point might have the neighbour kidnapping one of the children: the mother needs to rescue her child and protect her husband. There are plenty of other â€Å"points†that screenwriters are advised to meet, though you’ll probably find there’s some debate about what exactly these are! There’s a good breakdown of the five-point structure here, which you might want to follow. Laying Out Your Screenplay on the Page Screenplays require a very specific format, which is different from scripts written to be performed on stage. (For instance, these scripts will have character names on the left, with a colon after them, and screenplays have character names centred, with no colon.) For your screenplay, you should use the font Courier New, size 12. Why? Because that way, all scripts fit the same number of lines on a page – making it easy to estimate their run-time from the page count. (Courier is a fixed-width font, so each letter takes up the same amount of space.) Here’s how the first few lines of a script might look: Ive annotated it with some notes about the way in which its laid out. The easiest way to make sure you’re formatting your screenplay correctly is to use specialised software: Final Draft is the industry standard, used by the majority of professional screenwriters but it’s pricy ($249.99). Scrivener can be used to format screenplays (as well as novel manuscripts) – it’s not as specialised as Final Draft, but it’s a lot cheaper ($45). Each of these offer a free trial, so you can give them a try before deciding whether or not to purchase them. Writing a screenplay is no small undertaking – and we’ve only covered the basics of what you need to know. If you want to go further with your screenwriting journey, check out some of these great resources: How to Write a Screenplay, WikiHow While I sometimes find WikiHow’s articles low-quality, this is a great in-depth piece that’s been expertly reviewed and carefully put together. If you want a step by step, very beginner-friendly introduction to writing a screenplay, give it a read! How to Write a Screenplay You Can Sell, Stephanie Palmer, Good in a Room This honest, practical article explains what you need to do to write a good screenplay – from choosing one genre to watching the same movie over and over again to get to grips with structure. If you’re serious about screenwriting, give it a read. How to Write a Screenplay: Script Writing Example Screenwriting Tips, Mario O. Moreno and Kay Tuxford, Writers Store This is a detailed, reassuring article about writing a screenplay, with lots of specific details on layout as well as some helpful tips on length and even on binding and presenting your script. How to Write Your Screenplay in 24 Hours – Advice from a Hollywood Screenwriter and Producer, Dr. Kenneth Atchity, TCKPublishing In this post, you’ll find two really useful resource: precise instructions on what should happen by different points in your screenplay (with page numbers, for a 115 page script), and a nifty way to chart the rising and falling intensity of different scenes in your screenplay. 10 Screenplay Structures That Screenwriters Can Use, Ken Miyamoto, Screencraft If you’d like to look at some different ways to tell a story, going beyond the three-act structure, this post is a great place to begin. Throughout the post, there are examples of each type of structure, with tips on what types of story each one will work best for. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 Classes and Types of Phrases15 Types of DocumentsDouble Possessive
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Aristotelian rhetorical analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Aristotelian rhetorical analysis - Essay Example Therefore, since political ads are always one sided; which implies that whoever the media favors gets the right posts, the paper will not take sides, but instead it will analyze the facts surrounding this ad. So, why would the president state the 2013 budget if he was aware of the effect it would have on his popularity? The ad appeals to the readers emotionally by including their needs and even considering their worries. This is how President Obamas 2013 budget of $ 1.5 trillion in tax increases would make it impossible to create job opportunities in Lowa. Further scrutiny reveals the use of the second person singular to make voters feel the desire not to vote in favor of Obama. Note, for ‘you, it would mean higher taxes, increased job losses and continued difficulties in the recovering economy. This move appeals strongly to those voters who are not critical, as they attempt to prevent their lives from becoming more complicated. At this point, let us be critical with the above ad. First, increases in taxes of $1.5 trillion are enormous and fitting in its purpose. This claim would call for research because it is obvious that whoever made the calculations might have included things that only affect a particular group of the society. The pressing question becomes, who will be hardest hit by the tax raises? The source of this information should be credible for the voters to consider the authenticity of the claim. Secondly, "tougher to create jobs in Lowa", is a claim that does not state who the victims are. The attack on Obama’s break of his promise and raising taxes should also not be made exceptional because every potential candidate makes promises, but it is not possible for them to oversee the future of the country’s social and economic status. Thirdly, the use of the second person singular (for you, it could mean higher taxes and more job loss), is always somewhat risky because it is difficult to prove that it applies to the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Interview of Health Care Leader Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Interview of Health Care Leader - Essay Example In healthcare institutions, for instance, leadership plays important roles at any management level. That is, effectiveness of healthcare providers depends on how leaders within the institutions perform their leadership roles. While assessing efficiency of a leader, Gunderman (2008) recommends that it is important to, first, understand true leadership qualities. This paper presents a report of an interview of a healthcare leader about leadership-related issues. The report is given using various subheadings. General Description of a Leader As noted by Mason et al. (2011), leadership styles adopted by various organizations vary from one organization to another. Ledlow & Coppola (2010), nevertheless, observe that certain traits are universally possessed by leaders in all organizations. One universal trait is ability to have a clear vision. A leader has a clear and vivid picture of where his/her firm is and where it is moving towards. That is, a leader not only has a firm grip on firmâ₠¬â„¢s success, but also focuses on implementing suitable ways of achieving a success. Good communication skills also, collectively, form a general description of a leader. In heath centers, all leaders invoke others to follow them through a clear language intertwined with passion. Self discipline and discipline towards others is also an important aspect of leadership. All healthcare leaders have discipline while solving various issues, either single-mindedly or with his/her colleague. Specific Leadership Qualities Integrity is one quality that leaders in health centers posses. Integrity, according to Finkelman (2006), entails matching inner values and outward actions. In other words, an individual of high integrity possess firm principles, which results to consistency in the inner or outer personalities. Dedication and commitment are also essential leadership qualities. A dedicated leader exhausts all available resource and sometimes takes risks just to accomplish a task. Magnanimit y, which requires leaders to give credit where it is due, is a leadership quality that improves morale of workers. However, while recognizing efforts of colleagues and junior workers, health institution leaders should be humble. A humble leader, as explained by Finkelman (2006), does not self-efface but tries to elevate all workers. Openness, as another quality, enables leaders to learn new ideas and methods of executing various roles. Openness and humility, therefore, makes leaders to be fair, which is another quality. Fairness, as a quality, compels leaders to humbly accept ideas, criticisms, and equally treat his/her colleagues. While giving others room to air out their views, leaders should be creative. Creativity enables leaders to think outside a box that hamper apt solutions. Other qualities include assertiveness, having a sense of humor, and being honest in all dealings. Personal Philosophy of Leadership Leadership is a quality that is best understood by supervisors, adminis trators, or generally, an overseer (Yoder-Wise, 2010). A leader, in any organization, leads a crowd to a right path where organizational goals are easily accomplished. While walking in this path, a leader acknowledges problems and finds suitable solutions. Finding suitable solutions involves discussions and sharing of ideas, especially with individuals with whom they share common goals. During discussion sessions, a leader organizes a large crowd into small groups and allocates them
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Project Management Essay Example for Free
Project Management Essay Due to the rapid changes in the working world and the business environment, organizations have been forced to transform as a way of surviving in the ever-changing business environment. According to Gardiner (2005), most organizations Have adopted projects as their means of implementing change within the organization. The adoption of a project oriented a approach, with its associated management framework, is sufficient to ensure greater success in the implementation of change within an organization. While use of best practices in project management may not guarantee success in the change of an organization, the presence of projects increases the opportunity for success. Studies have shown that, where a project manager is well equipped with the skills and knowledge of project management, projects work as the best tools for implementing change within the organization. The Concept on Project Management Project management refers to the discipline managing, planning and organizing resources to achieve successful completion of specific project objectives and goals. A project is in nature a finite endeavor, that specifies the date as to when it should begin, and the time when it should end, this is done in order to create a unique service or product that brings about added value, or beneficial change in a company. The finite character of the project is different from operations or processes of an organization, some of which may be permanent or functional work, that are used to repeated operations, with the aim of producing similar goods or services. Management of the two systems is always complex and difficult. There is therefore need to employ distinct technical skills and adopt separate philosophy of management, that would enable the implementation of the best project that can bring beneficial returns to the company. messages. Application of Project Management in Organizational Change According to Gray Larson (2006), in the regime where implementation for change is the motto for most organizations, projects are the best vehicles for implementing change. The aspect of project management has in fact become more significant than ever. In any company that needs to change its organizational structure so as to change with the improving technology, or in order to meet the needs and wants of the consumers, projects are used as the vehicles for implementing the required change, and managing the related change. It is however important to possess the ability to sustain and build project management in order to succeed in the implementation of change. The importance of project management has been illustrated by the efforts of Swiss Re organization by using all its business operations to meet the requirements of e-business. Projects were used as the main vehicles for implementing this change. Great concern has however been expressed in the way most projects once began fail to deliver, or get stopped while they are underway. According to a research carried out by Levine (2005), most of the Information technology projects implemented were discouraging with 90% of the projects being late to deliver change in the organizations. It has been shown that, 50% of the projects are never completed at the right time, while 30% of the projects began are stopped while still underway. Project management allows the implementation of change in an organization in a more organized manner likely to realize success. The major challenge of any form of project management is to attain the objectives and goals put in place, while at the same time adhering to project constraints which are usually in the form of time factor, budget and scope. The more ambitious and secondary challenge is the optimization of integration and allocation of inputs that may be necessary to meet the goals and objectives. The success of a project management is associated with the nature the project itself. Projects involve most of the key players in an organization, both the managers and the workers at the lowest level. Projects also involve the entire organizational participation. For instance, it involves people, money, provisions, motivation, communication and space, in order to achieve the project objectives and goals. With the contribution of all these elements, an organization is able to identify and make use of the best resources as a means of attaining the best results. Gray Larson (2006), have emphasized that the managers can easily identify the talented workers and most potential factors in the organization, and allocate them where they can give a maximum contribution towards the achievement of the company. Management of a project is often the key responsibility and province of a specific individual project manager. The manager however does not participate directly, but instead strives to maintain progress and motivate other factors involved in the process, so as to achieve the objectives. The aim of the project manager also involves striving to achieve productive mutual interaction of the active parties, in a way that the entire risk of failure is reduced. Studies have shown that, where a project manager is well equipped with the skills and knowledge of project management, projects work as the best tool for implementing change within the organization. The project manager should be well equipped with the vision and mission of the organization, so as to direct the process of the project in the right direction, failure to which the project may fail to deliver, be late to achieve its goals, or get stopped while underway due to discouragements. The project manager represents the interests of clients and has to implement, as well as determine the specific needs and requirements of the clients, based on the understanding of the organization they are representing. Gray Larson (2006), have expressed that the capability to adopt the available internal systems of the contracting organization, and to establish close links among the nominated representatives, is an important step to ensure that the major issues of quality, time, and cost among others are attained with the main aim of client satisfaction. A successful and focused manager should be in a position to envision the whole project from the beginning to the end, and should have the skills and ability to ensure that the vision is realized in order to achieve successful change within an organization. In order to attain successful change by use of a project, there is need for the project manager to consider the three key factors that include human resources, time and finance. If an organization is in need of achieving change in the shortest time possible, there is need to employ more people and resources towards the problem. Though this may increase the cost of the project, it may be the best way of achieving an organizational change in the shortest time possible. Doing the task quicker in fact helps to reduce the cost of the project, the organization may end up spending the same amount it may have spent if it was to carry the same project in a prolonged period. Researchers have established that, there is no single way of implementing a project within an organization due to the fact that each each enterprise is unique, has different characteristics, and different financial capability. It is therefore important for the project managers to consider the features that are appropriate and important within any organization. Consideration of the important factors guide the project managers to come up with appropriate and accurate projects that can easily realize the vision of a specific organization. Cultural Factors Considered in the Implementation of project Management According to Dye Pennypacker (1999), some of the important cultural organizational factors considered while implementing a project include the history of the previous enterprise implementations, record of failures or success of the company is looked into, as this provides an insight into what should be done to achieve success in the project. A consideration is also done on the types of operational work and projects to be managed, organizations that are able to clearly prioritize and identify their projects end up with rigorous features of a project from the initial stages to the end, unlike organizations that do not identify and prioritize their projects at the first stages of implementation. The number of departments involved within the organization are also considered. This directs the planners to consider if the project is meant to satisfy a small number of users, or whether the project should expand in the process, if other departments will be incorporate as time goes by, or whether all the departments will be involved from the begging, thus requiring the project to satisfy a large number of users from the on-set stage. The expectation and support of the senior leadership is considered as a very important factor, because their involvement drive acceptance, and appropriate expectation. This is important for the success and realization of the changes expected within the organization. The value to the end user and management is absolutely important to ensure that the change implemented through the use of the project satisfy the needs and expectations of all parties involved in the process. According to Levine (2005), organizations also consider the maturity of the desired project management discipline. The 2007 project server is often used as it contains important features for managing projects. Where an organization is considering the application of project management for the first time, it is not easy to incorporate all the capabilities at the first instance. Studies have established that, staging the first features in project management implementation help to establish both the short term and long term changes effected in an organization. Any changes that are likely to take place are considered due to the fact that, if too much changes takes place, the chances of implementation reduce, with most of the people within the organization becoming resistant to the change. Resistant to change is one of the human characteristics. Critique of Project Management Approach Researchers have however established that there still exist discomfort in the use of projects. While project management is preferred as the most efficient way of implementing change within an organization, use of too many projects may fail to deliver the desired results. Researchers have asserted that, most projects in organizations fail to deliver due to the use of poor project management practices, whose importance has been ignored by managers over a long period of time (Balogun, Hailey, 2004). Grundy, Brown (2002), have argued that the approach of organizational management is not effective on its own in the field of information technology, because they assume that IT solutions are developed by a technical team. The potential solution for organizations dealing with IT has been stated to be misaligned with the important characteristics of an organization like incentives or culture. Combining the management of projects in IT and organizational change management as it has been argued, cannot produce the desired results for the organizational change. Conclusion From the above analysis, studies have shown that, where a project manager is well equipped with the skills and knowledge of project management, projects work as the best tool for implementing change within the organization. Senior managers spend a lot of efforts and time promoting and formulating their strategy, but most of the time, they realize very little changes within the organization. The strategy may not yield the results expected, somehow the original goals are dissipated in the process of moving the strategy to implement the change, and the initial momentum may be lost before the anticipated benefits are achieved. Failure to implement change occurs as a result of the senior management trying to make use of the the existing structures and systems within the organization, the status quo, to change the same status quo. The adoption of a project oriented a approach with its associated management framework, is sufficient to ensure greater success in the implementation of change within an organization.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Free Essays - Abuse in The Bluest Eye :: Bluest Eye Essays
Abuse in The Bluest Eye The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison, is about an eleven year old girl, Pecola, who is abused by almost everyone in her life. Every day she encounters racism, not just from the white people, but also from the African American people. In her eyes, her skin is too dark, and the color of her skin makes her inferior to everyone else. The color of her skin makes her think that she is ugly. She feels that she can overcome this if she can get blue eyes. Pecola thinks that if she can be like the blue eyed Shirley Temple, everyone will love her. Pecola wishes to have blue eyes because she feels they will make her loved and accepted by the people in her life. Pecola is abused almost by everyone in her life. One day, she goes to Geraldine's house. Geraldine is a middle-class African American woman. Junior, Geraldine's son, harasses Pecola by throwing his cat around and eventually kills it. When Geraldine walks in, she says, "Get out. You nasty little black bitch. Get out of my house"(93). Geraldine thinks that her son does not kill the cat. She trust him more than Pecola. Pecola thinks that Geraldine called her "nasty" because of her appearance, dark skin. Also, calling an eleven year old girl a "bitch" is like killing committee a crime. A little girl does not really know what that word means, but she know it's horrible. Being called a "black beach", by an African American person hurts even more than being called by a white person because they are the same race. They go through the same types of things because of their skin color. They are suppose to support each other. This makes Pecola feel more ashamed of herself and want to change her appearance to be accepted and trusted by Geraldine's . Her family treated her the same way. Pecola's dad raped her. Mrs. Breedlove, her mother, did not pay attention to her. One day, Pecola decides to visit her mom at work. Mrs. Breedlove was a nanny for this white girl. Pecola accidentally knocks over a blueberry pie. Mrs. Breedlove says, " Crazy fool... my floor, mess... look what you... work...get on out. Hush, baby, hush. Come her. Oh, lord, look at your dress.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Mobile phone and Landline phone Essay
Phones are important because we rely on them to communicate with other people. Despite the cell phone cannot give you a clear, crystal clear connection as a landline phone. Landline phone is a device which we connect to the output of our homes and businesses. On the other hand, cell phones and mobile have the capacity and advanced technology. While they both perform the same basic function, there are significant differences between landline and mobile phones. There are many differences between landline and mobile phones. Convinces of having a cell phone is that you can have it on hand where ever you go. As for a landline you cannot take it with you. Cell phone have a GPS technology that can find your exact location or where you trying to go. Cell phone also can give you the chance to take live pictures or video camera whereas landline cannot. Cell phone has great features such as watch TV, MP3 players, can store all our contact information, keep track of our appointments, and important dates. The most important advantage of landlines for cell phones that 9-1-1 operators can better determine your location in an emergency. When you call 9-1-1 from a landline phone, the operator can find the exact address where the call originated. When you call 9-1-1 from a cell phone, on the other hand, the operator only receives information about your approximate latitude and longitude, which can be from 50 to 300 yards. If you are in an emergency and cannot speak to give 9-1-1 operator your location, have stationary can save your life. The similarity of landline and cell phone is the fact that they are both used for communication. One quality of the technology they are good for emergencies, for example, if you just need to call a friend or family, as the technology can do this. Both are good and reliable person depends on your needs. In conclusion, we know that cell phones are more comfortable and fashionable than landline. Phones have improved over the year; we have gone from the house phone to cell phones. Cell phones and home phones are similar in a couple of ways, but very different in many ways. Nowadays we see people on the streets with their cell phones, as many people know that it’s easier and cheaper.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Fast Food Nation Essay
Whether we like it or not, fast food and its detrimental effects have become an epidemic. For many years, people have been oblivious to the growth of the fast food industry. However, over the past three decades, the fast food industry has nearly taken over our American society; almost anywhere, one can see its vast influence. As a result, in his book, Fast Food Nation, Eric Schlosser portrays the influence of the industry. By implementing pathetic appeals for injustice and disgust, statistics from reputable sources, and fear of the consequences of fast food, Schlosser shows the average adult how the fast food industry is ruining American culture as a way to reform its problems. Throughout his book, Schlosser consistently tries to create an emotional appeal, particularly to one’s injustice and disgust to depict his opinion. When one hears things such as, â€Å"The hamburger habit is just about as safe†¦as getting your meat out of a garbage can†(Schlosser 195), he or she cannot help but to be disgusted. Of course no one wants to be told that he or she is eating trash. Moreover, Schlosser discusses other vomit-inducing truths such as, the numerous amounts of cannibal animals among the animals whose meat becomes the food that people eat at a fast food restaurant (202). He also talks about how every year there are millions of dead animals purchased to be fed to the animals that restaurants provide as meat (Schlosser 202). Lastly, Schlosser writes, â€Å"There is shit in the meat†(197), which immediately grabs the reader’s attention and hence shows his pathetic appeal to persuasively convey his opinion. Would anyone really want to eat a feces burger for lunch? In addition, out of 355 detailed pages, Schlosser’s statistics are omnipresent. He constantly uses them to back up his statements with evidence, even dedicating one sixth of the book to notes full of statistics with reputable sources. Although he already states his facts persuasively, they become more convincing with this use of logos. For instance, at many times, authors will make up a statement and act as if it were a true fact. However, when he writes, â€Å"There is a 100 percent turnover rate annually†(Schlosser 325) and quotes it from a published article, one can actually know the turnover rate without having to question its validity. Furthermore, when Schlosser writes about how 7. 5% of all ground beef samples are contaminated with Salmonella and quotes it from a Nationwide Microbiological survey, one does not have a hard time believing its legitimacy (Schlosser 333). One of the most persuasive strategies Schlosser uses in his book is his appeal to his audience’s consequential fears of fast food. For most people, living life is a wonderful gift and if anything could be able to take it away, people would doubtlessly avoid it. Schlosser does an effective job at listing the harmful consequences; since he clearly detests the fast food industry’s influence, he does this to help reform against the influence of it. For example, when Schlosser brings up the existence of E. coli O157:H7 in fast food, he does not simply say, â€Å"It is bad†(199). He goes on and elaborates with great detail, giving a story of a six year old boy named Alex who died because of the bug (200). Not only does he dramatize the story but he also narrates the events chronologically to draw the greatest response from the reader. Schlosser writes, â€Å"It progressed to diarrhea†¦Doctors frantically tried to save Alex’s life, drilling holes in his skull to relieve pressure, inserting tubes in his chest to keep him breathing†¦ Toward the end, Alex suffered hallucinations and dementia, no longer recognizing his mother or father†(200). These events, individually, already seem terrifying. Together, it magnifies the effect. Pathos and logos play an important role throughout Schlosser’s entire book. He is clearly against the fast food industry’s ubiquitous influence and as a result, he writes with pathetic appeals, reputable sources, and fear evoking descriptions to abolish its influence on American culture. What he writes has shown to be true; fast food has had a negative effect on society. While fast food may have some benefits, it’s detrimental in the long run. Day by day, the influence of fast food continues to grow and harm the American culture.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Fear Loathing in Las Vegas Essays
Fear Loathing in Las Vegas Essays Fear Loathing in Las Vegas Paper Fear Loathing in Las Vegas Paper Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson unmasks the reality of the American Dream. In the book Thompson portrays and reveals the American Dream as dead, but also as an illusion created by American society. The American Dream was originally portrayed as the notion that you must work hard to achieve the wealth you wish to gain, but now the American Dream in reality consists of people cheating their way to the Dream. Thompson depicts this reality with different events throughout the book and by setting the story in Las Vegas. Thompson, from the very beginning, mentions the American Dream to the reader. He introduces the American Dream as if it were real: were on our way to Las Vegas to find the American Dream (6). The American Dream is never clearly stated to be a certain information or idea. But we always assume that the American Dream is achieved through hard work and aspiration to do the impossible. Raoul Duke and Dr. Gonzo sets out on a Journey to Las Vegas to find the American Dream. Duke and Dr. Gonzo dont realize that the American Dream is only an illusion. : The Dream is always in sight, but you are never able to reach it. l tell you, my man, this is the American Dream in action! (10). They think that, because of the good fortune that that they have received, they are living the American Dream. When Raoul Duke and Dr. Gonzo set out on their Journey at the beginning of the book, they have a carload of drugs and illegal substances. I think, because they are always high, they are living part of the American Dream of not caring what they do. When they go to Las Vegas, they have no regard for the law at all. In Part Two of the book, Duke and Dr. Gonzo attend the District Attorneys Conference on Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs with many law enforcers in attendance. They attend the conference high and go unnoticed in front of all of the law enforcers. Because they are under the influence of illegal substances at the conference and none of the officers notice, it seems as if they are living in an illusion where crimes go unnoticed and therefore are living the American Dream. Being in Las Vegas, you would expect to find crazy people, people on drugs, and eople who Just dont care what they do and let loose. Las Vegas is bright with lights to capture the attention of people searching for the American Dream. Las Vegas is the short cut to the top. People go to Las Vegas to escape the reality of their lives; Las Vegas is the illusion of the American Dream: Still humping the American Dream, that vision of the Big Winner somehow emerging from the last-minute pre-dawn chaos of a stale Vegas casino (57). Because the book is exemplify mainly in Las Vegas, Thompson displays how the city is the perfect place to set the illusion of the American Dream. Throughout the book, Hunter S. Thompson writes about the American Dream. He portrays the American Dream as an illusion and uses many examples and the setting to us perceive the illusion. In the end, the American Dream is only an illusion portrayed by living the high life but by not working hard to get there. The idea of the American Dream is only there to push us in the direction we wish to go in our lives. Fear Loathing in Las Vegas By paigegibo
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
10 Warning Signs That Job Offer Is a Scam
10 Warning Signs That Job Offer Is a Scam Job offer scams are designed to prey on job seekers at their most desperate. And if you happen to be that desperate job seeker, it’s hard to tell the good guys from the bad. So how to tell if a job offer is legitimate? Here are 10 warning signs to keep you on the safe path through the wilderness. 1. â€Å"No Experience Necessary†Even if it’s an entry-level position, some experience is always necessary. Some work experience will always be required, and any job that states otherwise is a con. Not everyone can do every job.2. Crazy MoneyIf it seems to good to be true, it probably is. Above average pay offers, particularly without the proper vetting, can be a major red flag. You want the manager to evaluate you on your merits first, then offer you the big money.3. FeesDon’t ever give anyone your credit card information. Don’t ever give anyone money. Any job that asks you for these things is not for real. You don’t have to shell out for training o r new software or insurance on equipment. You just don’t. Run away instead.4. Instant HireYou’re great, but you’re not that great. If someone is willing to hire you without scouring your resume and having you in for at least one interview, they’re not worth working for.5. Requests for Personal InformationNever give out your credit card, bank details, address, or social security number until you’ve been officially hired and are filling out your IRS forms. Anyone who asks for this information first is scamming you.6. Typos in the ListingOr bad grammar. Incomplete sentences. Anything that looks as though it might have been generated or translated by a computer program, not written by an intelligent human being. If there are glaring flaws in the job description, there are probably glaring flaws with the job.7. After-Hours CallsAnything before 7 a.m. or after 9 p.m. is probably out of line. Even in industries that purport to work 24/7, hiring managers s hould have the decency to call you at a reasonable time. You deserve that respect.8. You Didn’t ApplyThis sounds ridiculous, and wouldn’t it be a wonderful world if jobs just fell out of the sky when we weren’t looking for them? But if you didn’t contact them first, you should be extra wary- just to make sure the company is legit.9. Multiple OpeningsIf you’re scanning job search websites and find multiple jobs at the same company: manager, district manager, sales manager, executive, etc., that’s probably a sign that company is a sham company, or at least a revolving door. They’re most likely trying to scam for as many keywords as they can to target job seekers across a wider range.10. MysteryIf you can’t actually summarize what the company is or does or what your job would actually be based on the job description, then it isn’t a very good job description- and likely not a very good job.Make sure to do your homework. Fiv e minutes of Googling can keep you from making a big mistake. Figure out what you can about the company, get a good sense of the job, and make sure you see a real live human being for an actual interview before making any promises. Trust your instincts, avoid these red flags, and you should be fine.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Miscommunication in Aviaition Safety Research Paper
Miscommunication in Aviaition Safety - Research Paper Example Consequently, miscommunication among these individuals may result in grave consequences such as a fatal crash or accident. Of all aviation accidents that have been reported, over 70% points to miscommunication as a significant contributor to the fatal aviation crashes. Hence, miscommunication in the form of improper English, language errors, as well as inefficient cockpit communication is among the leading causes of fatal aviation accidents. Language problem is the major cause of airspace accidents due to crew communication and coordination. Pilots operate huge and complicated planes in busy and large terminals, and thus, they need help from the ground including information and support on landing and taking off provided by the air-traffic control (ATC). Therefore, communication between ATC and pilots should be clear, efficient, and proper because any mishap in communication can lead to a fatal crash as seen in the case of two Boeing 747 crashing into each other. Evidence shows that improper English and communication interference were the major cause of the fatal crash on March 27, 1977 that injured 61 and killed 583 people (Tajima 454). The captain notified the controller that they were at a takeoff position, and since this statement has double meaning, the controller misinterpreted it. The controller thought that the captain meant they were waiting for runway clearance, but not in motion, but sadly, the plane was alrea dy in motion making a run on the runway. Further instructions given to the captain to standby did not reach him due to radio transmission interruption. What followed was a fatal crash between KLM 4805 and PAA airplane, which was still on the runway when KLM 4805 was taking off. According to Tajima, this was a case of improper English whereby the captain’s native language Dutch influenced unconscious code-mixing that interfered with English phrase resulting in inefficient communication to the ATC (456). Apart from pilot and ATC
Friday, November 1, 2019
Genetically Modified Food Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Genetically Modified Food - Essay Example People in Africa can be fed genetically modified food because it is inexpensive and it does not take much effort to produce it. This paper will shed more light upon how genetically modified food can save countless lives not only in Africa but also all across the globe. There is very wrong perception of the rich people that there is no food shortage in the world and this is because they have all the luxuries in the world, but they have just noticed the sharp increase in food price. However, food is becoming a scarce resource and this increase in prices is a result of food crisis which is one of the most important global issues. According to The Oxford Committee for Famine Relief (OXFAM), there are 967 billion people who do not have enough amount of food to eat (2008). It is found that the global food crisis exists because of several causes. Oil crisis is one of the main factors which have a direct impact on the food crisis, the prices of food transportation and agricultural fertilizer s have increased because of the oil crisis and the same directly affects the food crisis. Population growth is another cause especially in middle class countries such as India the same has led to an increase in the demand of meat that apply more grain in order to be produced than other commodities. Climate change has also affected food production where drought covered several parts of the world such as south Asia. Trade is another cause of food crisis because imported goods might be cheaper than goods produced in the country, so poor farmers are forced to reduce the price of their products. Finally, Bio fuel production is considered as one of the biggest causes of food crisis since the price of food has increased at the same time as bio fuel production has increased. The food crisis not only affects the developing countries but it has also started taking a toll on the developed countries. This essay considers the responses to food crisis in Zimbabwe which is a developing country in South Africa. To understand this issue, we fist need to explain the reasons for food crisis in Zimbabwe. Then, we will discuss and evaluate the current responses to this problem there. Finally, other appropriate responses to solve the food crisis in Zimbabwe will be presented. As a poor developing country in South Africa, Zimbabwe has been suffering from economical Decline since its independence from the British in the year 1980, and this is exactly the main factor for food crisis. Weak economical situation in Zimbabwe brings about less than 30 per cent of employment as a result of which, hunger expands in the country and more people live in extreme poverty (IRIN, 2008). 5.5 billion dollars as dept on the Zimbabwean government to be paid to other countries, this goes to show how fragile the Zimbabwean government is. According to the same source, irregular and delays in dept payment led some countries to stop trade with the Zimbabwean government. The Need of the Hour It is clear that aid in the form of fertilizers and seed is a long term solution because with this kind of response farmers produce more food and reduce the amount of imported food as a result. Moreover, by improving the agricultural part, food shortage will decrease and the country could export food instead of importing. However, the amount of
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