Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Influence of The Impressionist Era Essay - 1015 Words
The Influence of The Impressionist Era Impressionism, one of the later eras in classical music composition. An era where emotions are expressed vividly while still following musical structure, where music caused much political controversy, and where France became known for its musical talent. In this essay you will read of how impressionism set a lasting mark in musical and national histories, and how it influenced modern music as we know it. The Impressionist Era all started with Claude Debussy, being tired of the formed classical structure, and the romantic informality. Of all of the musicians who ever lived Debussy (1862-1918) was known for his originality and adventurous style. His influences soon spread throughout the†¦show more content†¦There was now more freedom in the rhythms, and symphonic style. Harmonies tended to overpower the melody, and chord progressions evolved. Impressionism was really a mix of romantic and classical concepts, mixing together the best qualities. That is why in Debussys works you can sense an empowering emotion or tone, while still knowing that the piece is structured, and formed to composition rules. In the Impressionist Era a new principle in composition was founded: A musical piece is not measured in greatness by its duration, its volume, the compelling rhythm, or its deep tone; but by its beauty and its idea. The Impressionist Era doesnt only apply to the musical arts. The impressionist movement continued into literature, art, architecture, and dance. In fact, many composers used to use other impressionist art or literature to inspire their works. The era was known for the swapping of arts in which a poem would progress into a painting, and the painting into a musical masterpiece. This concept took a fair amount of time before prestigious schools of the arts agreed to the practice; however the public loved how tone and description could be translated between the arts. Some of the eras most reputed masterpieces are: Five Orchestral Pieces - Arnold Schoenberg, The Rite of Spring - Igor Stravinsky, Jeux - Claude Debussy, La Mer - Claude Debussy, and Clair de Lune - Claude Debussy. These pieces all became widely known and loved by theShow MoreRelatedVincent Van Gogh s Influence On The Post Impressionist Era1949 Words  | 8 Pagespainter born in 1853 and he was a part of the Post-Impressionist period of art. Most of van Gogh’s painting can be considered a biographical approach as his paintings are events he experienced through his life which he wants to recreate. Van Gogh used colours and forms to convey what he felt about the things he painted and what he wished others to feel (Gombrich, 1995, p. 548). Vincent van Gogh had an incredible influence on the Post-Impressionist era and how art is perceived now. He utilized new elementsRead MoreA Brief Note On Impressionism And Post Impressionism958 Words  | 4 Pageswere taking place which gave rise to Impressionism. For example, industrial expansion gave artist further access to synthetic chemical pigments, which was developed by modern science to replace old-fashioned organic pigments (Hamme rstingl, 1998). Impressionist artists had a very firm understanding of optical mixing, color theory, etc., which created astonishing vivid colors. The artists also captured transitory atmospheric effects in their painting. The artists from the Impressionism period were againstRead MoreIwt1 Task 1 Wgu Essay1294 Words  | 6 Pageslight and beauty of natures. These artists were against painting a picture of moral messages, as the artists of past they mostly painted in studio. Impressionist had very firm understating of color theory, optics, nature of light, and optical mixing (created much more vivid colors in the eyes of the viewers). 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Van Gogh could have been considered an Impressionist in his time, although his techniques were more distinct than those of other impressionists during his time allowing him to stand out. He used lines that were â€Å"expressive†and methods of applying paint with body known an â€Å"impasto†, which eventually became sort of an autograph for van GoghRead MoreThe Child s Bath, By Mary Cassatt1425 Words  | 6 Pagesway to suppress secrets, emotions, and desires within an individual s mind. The Child’s Bath, by Mary Cassatt, is one such painting that brings you to experience the powerful emotion of a mother’s love. Mary Stevenson Cassatt was an American impressionist painter. Cassatt is most remembered for her noteworthy paintings that portray special moments captured between a mother and her child. Cassatt stated, â€Å"I love to paint children. They are natural and truthful.†This quote is ironic to me becauseRead MoreElisabeth Condon’s Nocturne vs. Vincent van Gogh’s The Starry Night1393 Words  | 6 Pagesor surrounding them in circular forms appearing almost like an aura of energy. The artist of Nocturne, Elisabeth Condon, was heavily influenced by the places she has visited. Her own craft of improvisational paint pouring combined with the influence of Eastern art, specifically Chinese scrolls, helps to create the unique presence that each painting holds. â€Å"Her paintings, collages and drawings use improvisational pours of paint, sketchbook drawings and digital projections to establish idiosyncratic
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
My Seven Habits Profile Self Scoring System - 843 Words
The results of my Seven Habits Profile self-scoring system indicates that I scored relatively high on 8 of the nine categories with one category listed as good. The sores for each of the nine categories were well balanced. The results of my scores indicate that I am a strong leader and in line with the seven habits effectiveness. My leadership ability creates an environment of clarity, fairness and inclusion. The Seven Habits Profile provided me with an overview of my leadership skillset and the measure of my ability to be an effective leader. My scores were balanced but it did give me a view of areas that I can improve. I am the type of leader that cares about the employees and but at the same time I am focus on the mission, objectives and goals of the department, customers we serve and the institution that employs me. Having the blue print and understanding of the Seven Habit Profile will make me an effective leader. According to the results of the Seven Habits Profile, I scored â€Å"very good†on the following categories: Be Proactive, Begin with the end in Mind, and Synergize. I scored just above â€Å"Good†on the following categories: Emotional Bank Account, Life Balance, Thin Win-Win, Seek First to Understand, Sharpen the Saw, and Put First Things First. My scores were similar but there were a few categories that stand out both in positive and in areas where I see potential for improvement. Be Proactive I practice and coach my staff to stay focus on whatShow MoreRelatedC2092527 Words  | 11 PagesKamen-Kannel Table of Contents Reflection on Seven Habits Profile 3 Personal Leadership Strengths 4 Personal Leadership Weaknesses 5 Recommendation for Personal Leadership 6 S.M.A.R.T Goals 6 Specific Actions 7 References 8 Reflection on Seven Habits Profile – A After completing the Seven Habits profile, I reviewed my results from the completed profile form. 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To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions DepartmentRead MoreImpact of Work Life Balance on Motivation of Employees in It Industry12005 Words  | 49 PagesIndustry has been done under my supervision by Sukriti Singh, Shaily Saini, Varun Krishna of MBA IV semester (2011-2013). SIGNATURE Name of students 1. Sukriti Singh 2. Shaily Saini 3. Varun Krishna ACKNOWLEDGEMENT If words are considered as a symbol of approval and token of appreciation then let the words play the heralding role expressing my gratitude. I am indebted to my project guide, for her supportRead MoreReport on time management, SWOT analysis, learning styles and essay and report writing7192 Words  | 29 Pagesstupidity with money Get frustrated when losing control Financially vulnerable Opportunities Threats Good job Job provides opportunities Opportunity to work to help toward debt May be funded by a Trust fund Create a good life with my partner Possibility to marry my partner Living alone successfully while partner travels with the Armed Forces Advance well at work Work towards a degree Possibility of having help from the hardship fund Work toward a better credit rating Falling behind due toRead MoreIce Cream Competitive Analysis23288 Words  | 94 Pagesand (ii) to get data that are important for my analysis. Furthermore, I conducted a field research in an attempt to understand consumer habits, tastes and price sensitivity when it comes to ice cream. 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No. 04VWCM6117 of our Institute has completed his Dissertation report on the topic â€Å"Customer Relationship Management and Importance of Relationship marketing In the Banking Sector†, under my guidance, and that no part of this report has been submitted for the award of any other Degree or Diploma to any other Board or University. Date: Place:
Monday, December 9, 2019
Taxation Theory - Practice and Law Law and Justice
Question: Discuss about theTaxation Theory, Practice and Law for Law and Justice. Answer: Introduction Brian Pape questioned receiving a tax bonus reward installment from the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth had conceived the extra installments plot as a measure to ward of the impacts of the worldwide money related emergency. Pape tested the legitimacy of the enactment sanctioned to approve the installment of the reward to specific classes of citizens (Kerr, 2009). The Commonwealth acknowledged that Pape had an individual enthusiasm for testing the operation of the expense reward enactment as it connected to him and in looking for a request keeping the Commissioner of Taxation from paying him the cash. Given the Commonwealth's concession that Pape had standing, the Court was calmed of the weight of considering whether a protest to the receipt of an unassuming reward installment (instead of the installment of an obligation) was an adequate enthusiasm for standing purposes (Grant Dollery, 2010). The Commonwealth, nonetheless, argued that there was a confinement of Pape's remaining in that he didn't have remaining to look for an assertion that the law was invalid completely: that is, in its general application to different citizens also. Notwithstanding, this was dismisses by all judges, with Gummow, Crennan and Bell JJ remarking that the contention gave "inadequate weight to the place of the manager of law in the plan of the Constitution" (Thomas, 2009). The Court's finding on standing implied that Pape could challenge parts of the program that went past his own private advantages and into the realm of sacred influence of the Commonwealth to spend public cash. Sections Breached Its clear from the proceedings that Mr. Pape as a tax payer was entitled to receiving a $250 under the bonus act (Gordon et al, 2015). Therefore, his defense team decided to submit four questions to the high court in determination of the best strategy or special case which would help in rules of the court, they include: Does Mr Pape have remaining to look for the alleviation guaranteed in his Writ of Summons and his Proclamation of Claim? Is the Tax Bonus for Working Australians Act (No 2) 2009 (Cth) legitimate in light of the fact that it is bolstered by at least one communicated or inferred heads of administrative power under the Province Constitution? Is installment of the tax bonus to which Mr Pape is entitled under the Bonus Act bolstered by legitimate allotment under sections 81 and 83 of the Constitution? Who ought to pay the expenses of this special case? The Commonwealth agitated Mr Pape staged to fight that the portion to him under the Bonus Act was unlawful, however displayed that he didn't have satisfactory uncommon energy to battle the more broad issue that the Bonus Act was invalid in its application to various individuals. No individual from the Court acknowledged this accommodation (Lynch, 2011). Findings by the Court was that the portion being rewarded to Mr Pape was unlawful in light of the way that the Bonus Act was invalid would tie in any resulting wrangle about concerning the authenticity of the Bonus Act.All individuals from the Court discovered that Mr Pape had remaining to look for an affirmation of shortcoming. The Court, largely felt that the held Bonus Act was a considerable law of the District Parliament, supported by s 51(xxxix) of the Constitution as being unplanned to the practice by Commonwealth Government officials impacting under section 61 of the Constitution (Beunen Duineveld, 2010). Question 3: Mr Pape fought that the money that ought to have been paid to natives under the Bonus Act had not been appropriated from the Consolidated Revenue Fund by law, as required by s 83 of the Constitution. He likewise contended that, regardless of the possibility that there had been an assignment by law, it was not an apportionment "for the reasons for the Commonwealth". Segment 81 of the Constitution expresses: All livelihoods or assets raised or got by the Executive Government of the Commonwealth ought to shape one Consolidated Revenue Fund, to be appropriated for the inspirations driving the Commonwealth in the way and subject to the charges and liabilities constrained by this Constitution. The Court held by lion's share that there was an assignment by law (Lehtonen et al, 2009). Section 16 of the Taxation Act 1953 appropriated the Consolidated Revenue Fund for the portion of specific aggregates the Commissioner is required to pay under any "tax laws". Fragment 3 of the rewa rd Act had the effect of making the Bonus Act an "assessment gathering law".The Bonus Act expanded the measure of cash to be pulled back from the Consolidated Revenue Fund under a current appointment. That was adequate to meet the necessity of s 83. The Court held that areas 81 and 83 don't themselves approve any consumption; rather they needed the spending of government assets to be legalized by Parliament. In understanding with an assentation between the gatherings the Court made no request for costs. This announcement is not proposed to be a substitute for the reasons of the High Court or to be utilized as a part of any later thought of the Court's reasons. Background to Litigation of the Case Before looking at the decision made by the high courts in regards to the case. Perhaps, it would be significant to provide a brief litigation that is pertained to the case. In light of the worldwide financial crisis, and as a major aspect of its monetary jolt bundle, the Commonwealth instituted the Tax Bonus for Working Australians Act (No 2) 2009 (Cth) ("the Bonus Act") giving certain citizens a reward (Grant et al, 2010) . Australian residents who had an assessable salary of under $100,000 for the 2007-8 wage year were qualified for an installment of up to $900. The offended party, a man qualified for a reward installment, tested the established legitimacy of the enactment. Segment 81 of the Australian Constitution gives all earnings or money raised or got by the Executive Government of the Commonwealth ought to shape one Consolidated Revenue Fund, to be appropriated for the inspirations driving the Commonwealth in the way and subject to the charges and liabilities constrained by this Constitution. Prior to Pape, there had been not very many cases on Commonwealth assignments and, tragically, those choices had not created clear standards (Williams, 2015). While it has been clear as far back as the Pharmaceutical Benefits Case (Attorney-General (Victoria); Dale v Commonwealth (1945) 71 CLR 237) that section 81 is not a wide wellspring of administrative influence, the potential degree for utilizing section 81 to approve appointments for Commonwealth spending programs has been the subject of contrasting perspectives. On one view (regularly alluded to as the expansive view) of the allocations influence, it was felt that Parliament alone could figure out what a "motivation behind the Commonwealth" was. When Parliament made that assurance, then the allotment, and the spending of the appropriated cash, couldn't be tested. On another view (frequently alluded to as the slender view), to be substantial, an apportionment must be for a reason that could be found inside the Constitution itself (Anderson et al, 2010). That reason may be found by reference to the heads of administrative, official or legal influence and, on most records, incorporated the influence, regardless of whether authoritative or official, that gets from the foundation of the Commonwealth as a "country". On both the wide and tight perspectives, the allocation had outcomes for the spending of the cash: if an assignment was substantial, then the spending was therefore approved. On a third view, most obviously set out by Justice Mason in the AAP Case (Victoria v Commonwealth (1975) 134 CLR 338), the assignment and installment out of the united income reserve was to be recognized from the spending of the appropriated cash by the official government. On this view, an allotment could be for any reason that Parliament chose. Moreover, if the apportionment included just the installment of cash to a third individual outside the Commonwealth government, then the appointment would approve that installment. Nonetheless, if the utilization of the appropriated cash included move to be made by Commonwealth officers and offices, then free expert for the making of that move must be built up. On a fourth view, proposed by Justices Jacobs and Stephen in the AAP Case, allocations couldn't be tested in light of the fact that they were inside matters amongst Parliament and the official (Appleby McDonald, 2011). As Justice Jacobs stated, an allotment is close to a "reserving" of cash. High Courts Decision in the Case Against this mix of views, the High Court considered the challenge in Pape.In four separate judgments (Chief Justice French; Justices Gummow, Crennan and Bell; Justices Hayne and Kiefel; Justice Heydon), the Court held that section 81 of the Constitution only provides parliamentary authority for the appropriation of money to the executive: it is not a spending power. In this respect, the Court referred with approval to the views of Justices Jacobs and Stephen inAAP. Consequently, section 81 could not provide support for the provisions of the Bonus Act creating an entitlement to the payment of the bonus - it could only support the appropriation of the money for that purpose (McLeod, 2010). Like Justice Mason in AAP, the majority differentiated between the appropriation and the spending of the money. However, Justice Mason seemed to have accepted that appropriated money could be paid to third persons without any further power required. The Court in Pape has rejected that view. The only executive involvement in the bonus scheme was the payment of the appropriated money to those entitled to a bonus payment. However, section 81 was insufficient to support the creation of the entitlement and the payment of the bonuses. The power had to be found from another place. At this point the Court divided 4 to 3, with a majority of judges (Chief Justice French; Justices Gummow, Crennan and Bell) holding that the executive power in section 61, along with the express incidental power in section 51, provided sufficient support for the provisions of the Bonus Act. For the majority, the executive power in section 61 was wide enough to take action peculiarly adapted to the government of a nation. On the facts, it extended to short-term fiscal measures to address economic conditions affecting the nation as a whole: this was a national financial crisis and only the Commonwealth had the resources to respond promptly. The express incidental power authorised the supporting legislation that created the entitlement to the bonus and authorised its payment (Johnston, 2011). The dissenting judges (Justices Hayne and Kiefel; Justice Heydon) were not convinced that a national economic emergency was sufficient to trigger the executive power in section 61. Although that power could extend to putting down subversive activities and endeavours, it could not cover the general topic of the national economy. Nor in their view could they understand that spending could be supported by the external affairs power (section 51(xxix)), the trade and commerce power (section 51(i)), or the taxation power (section 51(ii)) (Barbara Scott, 2010). Lessons Learnt from Pape for Government Agencies and Departments Pape is a suggestion to government divisions and organizations to contemplate their spending programs. Programs can't be planned on the supposition that segment 81 will approve the spending of cash on whatever exercises or targets the administration likes. A legitimate appointment won't approve the spending of cash - whether that spending includes exercises with respect to Commonwealth officers or offices or basically includes an installment to outsiders (Anthony, 2011). For some Commonwealth officers and offices, Pape won't have a lot of an effect. For others, judicious strides ought to be taken when planning spending projects to guarantee that Commonwealth spending does not surpass the cutoff points set out in the choice. References Kerr, D. (January 01, 2009). Pape v Commissioner of Taxation: Fresh Fields for Federalism?.Law and Justice Journal,9,2, 311-323. Grant, B., Dollery, B. (January 01, 2010). Constitutionalism, Federalism and Reform?: Pape V Commissioner of Taxation and Anor - a Conversation with Bryan Pape.Public Policy,5,1, 53-63. Appleby, G., McDonald, S. (January 01, 2011). The Ramifications of Pape v Federal Commissioner of Taxation for the Spending Power and Legislative Powers of the Commonwealth.Monash University Law Review,37,2, 162-189. Thomas, D. (September 06, 2009). Commonwealth Power and the Fiscal Stimulus.Bar News: the Journal of the Nsw Bar Association,28-29. Gordon, E. A., Bischof, J., Daske, H., Munter, P., Saka, C., Smith, K. J., Venter, E. R. (February 01, 2015). The IASB's Discussion Paper on the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting: A Commentary and Research Review.Journal of International Financial Management Accounting,26,1, 72-110. Lynch, A. (December 01, 2011). Commonwealth financial powers - taxation, direct spending and grants - scope and limitations.Public Policy,6,23-32. Beunen, R., Duineveld, M. (January 01, 2010). Divergence and Convergence in Policy Meanings of European Environmental Policies: The Case of the Birds and Habitats Directives.International Planning Studies,15,4, 321-333. Lehtonen, M., Ruhanen, A., Michahelles, F., Fleisch, E., 2009 IEEE International Conference on RFID (IEEE RFID 2009). (April 01, 2009). Serialized TID numbers - A headache or a blessing for RFID crackers?. 233-240. Grant, Bligh, Dollery, Brian. (2010).Constitutionalism, federalism and reform? Pape v Commissioner of Taxation Anor: a conversation with Bryan Pape. 53-63.) Curtin University of Technology, John Curtin Institute of Public Policy. Williams, G. (July 01, 2015). Bryan Pape and his legacy to the law.University of Queensland Law Journal, The,34,1.) Anderson, G., Brady, M., Guthrie, R., Meredith, F., Purse, K., Grant, B., Dollery, B. (2010).Public policy. Perth, W.A: John Curtin Institute of Public Policy, Curtin University of Technology. McLeod, A. (January 01, 2010). The Executive and Financial Powers of the Commonwealth: Pape v Commissioner of Taxation.The Sydney Law Review,32,1, 123-140. Johnston, Peter. (2011).Pape's Case: What Does It Say About Standing As An Attribute of Access To Justice?. ePublications@bond. Appleby, G., McDonald, S. (January 01, 2011). The ramifications of pape v federal commissioner of taxation for the spending power and legislative powers of the commonwealth.Monash University Law Review,37,2, 162-189. Anthony, G. (March 01, 2011). Federal Spending Power in Three Federations: Australia, Canada and the United States.Common Law World Review,40,1, 13-39. Barbara, A. H., Scott, G. (October 01, 2010). Federalism and Tax Bonuses: Reflections in the Australian Context.Common Law World Review,39,4, 379-418.
Monday, December 2, 2019
How are the main characters in Ethan Frome trapped and confined by circumstances Essay Example
How are the main characters in Ethan Frome trapped and confined by circumstances Paper Ethan Frome is a novel about the tragedy of three lives trapped together by circumstances. They live in an isolated town called Starkfield. The word Starkfield means harsh, severe and barren. The people who live there lack communication with one another. They live in the mountainous area, which becomes cut off by snow in winter. The sluggish pulse of Starkfield The word sluggish indicates the slow pace of life. The winter is the dullest season for the community of Starkfield. Hardly any trees can be seen in this season, because its all snowed under. The boughs of trees bent inward from the burden of snow, sheds are sagged under their white load. White load is a metaphor for the word snow. The burden of snow is causing the sheds to sag. Ethan Frome is the main character of the novel. The story about his life is both sad and compelling. His story starts from the time when Ethan is a man of age not more than fifty two and lives in the bleak house of his parents. to see in the diminished dwelling the image of his own shrunken body The house reflects on Ethans shrunken body. It also reflects negatively on Ethans life. We will write a custom essay sample on How are the main characters in Ethan Frome trapped and confined by circumstances specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on How are the main characters in Ethan Frome trapped and confined by circumstances specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on How are the main characters in Ethan Frome trapped and confined by circumstances specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Ethan bore all misfortunes held within it, lost his parents and still couldnt improve his situation. The house shows total starvation of love and happiness. Ethan seems a part of the mute and melancholy landscape of the place he lives in. Although Ethan isnt more than fifty two, he looks older. The lameness and the look he has, make him the most striking figure in Starkfield. There was something bleak and unapproachable in his face. In this quotation the Narrator introduces Ethan Frome to the reader. He is described as ruin of a man. His face is bleak and unapproachable as if he has no life sap in his veins. The story of his life would affect anyone who could hear about it. . misfortunes brought premature end to Ethans studies. The word misfortunes indicates a change of luck from something quite positive (his study) to a life of sacrifice looking after his parents. As any young man, Ethan was looking forward to finishing his studies. After his parents fell ill, the future he planned came to a halt. Bad luck was hunting him down until there was nothing left except fear and sorrow. He feels emotionally isolated. There is nothing positive in his life and his life is being lived in the pure and frosty darkness in which he stood. The sudden death of his parents followed by an unhappy marriage trapped Ethan. He no more could experience happiness in his life and his situation became increasingly worse. The mood of Ethan Frome is very low and depressed. The writer shows this by constant reference to darkness and frozen landscape. Filled with unfulfilled dreams and lack of motivation he doesnt resist. However, Ethans inner needs and interests are still the same as before his misfortunes. Such tastes and acquirements in a man of his condition made the contrast more poignant between his outer situation and his inner needs. There is a contrast between the world surrounding him and the interests that he has. Ethan is compelled to accept the particular way of life, and forgets about his urge to get knowledge. Ethans life changes after the death of his parents. The death of his parents restricts his choices. After the death of his mother, Ethan couldnt bear to stay in the house alone. Thats why he decided to marry Zeena. He was to regret his decision for the rest of his life. Zeena entered the house as a young lady full of life and love. However, after she was looking after Ethans mother, Zeena was acquiring the symptoms of a sick person. Hardly Ethan had enjoyed their married life, she too fell silent. Zeena was becoming worse and worse every day. Long intervals of silence made her voice turn to a whine. Her face was drone and pale, the taciturnity filling her. Their married life was failing. Zeena expected to live in town and be a wife of a wealthy man. Unfortunately, their plan to sell the farm failed and they couldnt afford to move from that depressing place. Instead of encouraging Ethan Zeena manipulates him with her disease. Eventually, their house became a cold and dark prison. the fire is out long ago. This quotation is a metaphor for the Fromes marriage. There is no spark of love between Ethan and Zeena. Their love died long time ago. They dont have any feelings for each other and they lack communication. The death of loved ones left empty space in Ethans heart until the arrival of Mattie into his life. He had taken to the girl from the first day. The moment when his heart starts beating with a new rhythm Ethan finds it difficult to express his feelings. The wave of shyness pulled him back. I think Ethans inability to express himself is a cause of frustration and limits his possibilities of the relationship. He cant make crucial decisions and that also leads to his unhappiness. Ethan lives in the world of fantasy. He loves Mattie deeply and dreams of growing old by her side and lying next to her when he dies. Well always go on living here together, and some day shell lie here beside me. I think Ethans flaw is that he is too passive. He only fantasies but cannot fight for what he wants. At the turn of the 20th century in America people left their homes in towns and districts in search of a better life in cities. Starkfield was one of the abandoned towns. Small farmers like Ethan, became impoverished. Ethan is helpless in his situation. He shows anguish and frustration as Zeena spends the little money he earns. Youre a poor mans wife, Zeena. Despite their budget she continues to spend money on useless things, she never learns how to use as if to defy Ethan. Poverty is the main reason why the main characters are trapped. That is also a reason why Ethan cannot run away with Mattie, although he longs to be with her. However, he understands his economic situation. The inexorable facts closed in on him like prison warders handcuffing a convict. There was no way out-none. He was a prisoner for life, and now his one ray of life was to be extinguished. The facts of his poverty are compared to prison warders, and Ethan a convict being handcuffed. Edith Wharton uses a metaphor ray of light to compare Mattie to something positive and hopeful in Ethans life. He is a prisoner for life and this ray of light is under a threat to be extinguished. Ethan also feels ashamed to ask Ned Hale for money as he is a man of pride and dignity. When Hale refuses, Ethan cannot admit that he is broke and his pride makes the matters even worse. Even though Ethan has a tough life, he is an honest man. Ethan couldnt take an advantage of Mrs Hale and obtain and advance payment of money for his planned flight with Mattie, notwithstanding how he longed to be with her. All the characters of the novel want better life. Ethan wanted to finish the college and had dreams of becoming an engineer in a large city. All his dreams were unrealised due to his parents death and the opportunity to leave Starkfield minified. Also the image of graveyard was haunting Ethan. For years the quiet company mocked his restlessness, his desire for change and freedom. We never got away how should you? Every time Ethan was passing the graveyard the desire for a better life was gradually distinguishing. The headstones left emptiness in him for the entire life. It reminded him that one day he will join this quiet company. Mattie too was trapped. Her parents left her in destitute. They owed money and she was the one to repay. Poverty-stricken Mattie was obliged to work for the Fromes for nothing. Her situation leaves her in anguish and prison confinement. Whered I go, if I did? Mattie has nowhere to go due to circumstances. She continues to work in the Fromes house and lives in the dark prison, where everything is under Zeenas rules. Zeena as an other character in Edith Whartons novel who is confined. Zeena was looking forward to moving from isolated Starkfield and live in a large city. Zeena always wanted people to think of her as a wife of a wealthy man. she had let her husband see from the first that life on an isolated farm was not what she expected The reader can see that Zeena had high expectations for a better life. After their plans to sell the farm were not realised, she became silent and ill, trapped in poverty-stricken marriage. Sense of duty follows Ethan through his sorrowful life. He would like to divorce Zeena since their marriage is more out of duty rather than love. However, at that time there were some constrains put by the society. In rural communities like Starkfield divorce was taboo. Must he wear out all his years at the side of a bitter querulous woman? In this quotation Ethan expresses his anger and shame as he thinks about his life at the side of Zeena. The words bitter and querulous are negative and they portray Zeena as an unpleasant woman. Zeena is barring every way in Ethans life. Their life is senseless and dull. Zeena manipulates Et han and spends his money. Ethan feels obliged to her because she was the one who nursed his mother when she was dying and it was his little repayment to her as he thought. Ethan has a strong sense of duty towards Zeena. He understands that she will not be able to survive on the isolated farm without his support. Although Ethan desperately wants to leave Zeena for Mattie he does not. He saw his life before him as it was. He was a poor man, the husband of a sickly woman, whom his desertion would leave alone and destitute. Ethan realises his situation in life. He cant leave Zeena in destitute. Ethan understands that without him she will not be able to survive due to her failed health. Zeena is the most mysterious character in the novel. She is silent and very rigid. Obviously nobody knows Zeenas thoughts. In the end Zeenas personality changes. Perhaps she feels guilty about the smash-up and thats the reason she looks after Mattie and Ethan. Zeena has no time to communicate and her thoughts are the secret ones. Nobody has the access to her tortured soul. The most ironic part is when twenty years later youthful Mattie turns to be into what once Zeena was. Her bright personality faded as flowers out of water. What used to be a laugh turned into querulous drone. The querulous drone ceased as I entered Fromes house kitchen, and of the two women sitting there I could not tell which had been the speaker. The Narrator describes the atmosphere in the Fromes house twenty years later. As he enters the house querulous drone ceased. However, the Narrator cannot identify who it was. Further we know how Mattie changes over the years. She became the perfect replication of Zeena in past. There wasnt sings of life in Mattie. Shes suffered too much shes soured. Once full of life and happiness Mattie soured . She is shrunken and her querulous look makes her look even older than Zeena. The failed relationships compelled big impact on her bright personality. Mattie even acquired the drone whine of Zeena. Now she posses the armchair once belonged to sick Zeena. The life of the characters seems to be meaningless. Nothing can change their life situations, they are trapped. Their world is filled with misery, poverty and anguish. The three main characters: Zeena, Mattie and Ethan are living the end of their lives. Three of them are trapped together and the grotesque looks on their faces are similar in some ways. Their souls are soured and diminished and only the endurance still keeps them alive. It is as if they are being tortured in the silent darkness. All the characters suffer in some way but Ethan suffers more than the others. Youve had an awful mean time, Ethan Frome. Through all his years Ethan was never accompanied by anyone to help him cope with his misery. He was all alone. All his emotions were stuck in his heart making him look old and unapproachable. He was sagging under the weight of sorrow and no one rescued him. Edith Whartons novel Ethan Frome is a powerful and descriptive novel. Edith Wharton uses negative descriptions of the bleak environment in which animals have to force through the snow to breathe and people like Ethan must struggle in order to survive. She uses many images of death when she describes the places. She describes a dead cucumber vine hanging from a porch representing a steamer to the door of a house that smells of death. The story is rich in metaphors and comparisons. Zeenas use of metaphor of fire The fires out long ago, describes their loveless marriage and lack of warmth in the house. Ethan is haunted by the image of the Fromes gravestones and his desire for change and freedom has never come true. They always remind Ethan that his life will end at the farm and he will join his relatives in the family graveyard. Ethan fears about the future are well-expressed in the metaphor a vague dread had hung on his skyline. Ethan and Matties fragile relationships are shown in the quotation and gathering up the bits of broken glass she went out of the room as if carrying a dead body.. There is no happy ending for any characters of the novella, Mrs. Hale suggests that poor Ethan suffers the most. Ethans faced break your heart When I see that, I think its him that suffers the most. His youth was followed by misfortunes and his entire situation is twice the worst it was before Matties arrival. His bleak image dissolves into pure darkness of his misfortunes. Ethan experiences desertion of life and is destitute of love. He is eaten away by the tragedy of his life and only the Fromes graveyard will unburden the prison warders handcuffing his hands. At the end of the novel Mrs Hale makes a comparison between the Fromes in the farm and the Fromes in the graveyard and finds no difference between them except that women are quiet and hold their tongues. he way they are now, I dont see theres much difference between the Fromes up at the farm and the Fromes down in the graveyard; cept that down there theyre all quiet, and the women have to hold their tongues. This suggests strongly that though the three characters might be physically alive, in the quality of their life they are very much like the dead. The characters in Ethan Frome are stuck in poverty, live in an isola ted town without much communication. It appears that the writer describes how Ethan, Mattie and Zeena are caught in a situation of paralysis from which they cannot escape.
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