Thursday, February 20, 2020
International criminal organization Research Paper
International criminal organization - Research Paper Example The intelligence report further reveals that the top leaders of the criminal gang met at Los Angeles where they made the deliberations on changing tact to camouflage and disguise them against identification. There are all indications that the same information is intended to reach other states where the unlawful sect has been committing a series of criminal activities. It would be therefore challenging on the authorities to rely on the traditional tattoos on their bodies as a prognosis for the group. The gangs’ possible number will be therefore difficult to estimate since further recruitment is ongoing in disguise. The successful change of tact by the group is responsible for the increment of the criminal reports in the last quarter of the year since the groups identification has been a challenge-the authorities always depend on their tattooed bodies for the identification (Books LLC, 2010). Growth The criminal gang has extended their operation in the major states and they are no longer restricted in their original state of Los Angeles. We have ascertained that the gang has significance presence in other states like Texas, North Carolina, Maryland, Virginia, Montgomery, and San Francisco among others (Logan, 2009). Their identification has been mistaken for other groups following successful change of their operation schemes and other recognizable features formerly exclusively associated with the group. The group is also identified to gain exponential growth among the youths who are jobless. Through the intelligence report, neighboring countries have also joined the group and are encroaching into the country to commit crimes this includes Canada and Mexico. It is very difficult to identify the members of the group as at now and our intelligence are working extra hard to have leading information that will help distinguish the group. Reports have also revealed that a group that was constituted by only about one thousand street operators has grown internation al with accumulative number of more than five hundred thousand individuals. Our reports indicate that the group’s presence is felt in Mexico, Canada, and significantly in parts of Central America. We have also unraveled the fact that the operation of the group in transitional between the countries through the porous borders making the gang unpredictable n terms of geographical location. Reliable information indicates that Washington DC is one of their next locations to invade. The security agencies should in this regard keep stringent vigil to avert the establishment of the group in the region. Activities in the Offing Because of the stringent security measure that has been aimed at eradicating the group on their known criminal activities, we have realized that they are in elaborate plan to devise new criminal activities away from what they are traditionally known for. A part from their usual activities of money laundering, drug trafficking, murder kidnapping, and human traff icking, the group has also mutated to engage in other criminal activities such as arms trafficking, extortion, larceny, and pandering (Logan, 2009). It has come to our notice that the gang is putting a spirited effort to cushion themselves against facing the law. Reasonable number of illegal fire arms are also circulating within the group and reliable sources
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
The background, profile of the study & statement of the problem. Based Research Proposal
The background, profile of the study & statement of the problem. Based on my last project which was - Research Proposal Example The interventions come as a way of enforcing tobacco control strategy and when implemented they either lower or raise sales revenue for tobacco products marketing companies (Bump at al. 5). They come in form of increased tax rates on cigarette, increased competition, local or federal regulations on advertisements and sales, economic restrains, and technology standards (Suttle, 1). Others like increased tax on tobacco products work to raise revenue, correct externalities as well as regulate use of tobacco products (Who, 55). However, the intervention does not make the company less ambitious to increase sales revenue. It makes the company work harder to overcome all the handles in the most efficient way possible. The Company has increased its advertisement strategies, which has increased the company’s income level and foreign exchange in the Kenyan economy (Laikwan, 111). This makes the above-identified factors to require a research on how they affect sales revenue in cigarette marketing companies with BAT as the case study. According to Chacha (1), BAT is one of the greatest contributors to national economy through increases employment rates, income levels and earning the country foreign exchange. This has been made possible due to the different factors that BAT has had to put in place despite the many challenges it has had to pass. Among the factors are increased advertisements, maintaining the brand name and abiding by set regulations to ensure they remain in the market. These together with some of the intervention factors mentioned above affects BAT’s sales revenue in the country either positively or negatively. There is therefore a great need for an investigation on how each identified factor affects BAT’s sales revenue as a cigarette marketing company. BAT like any other cigarette marketing company has been faced with so many huddles and yet it has managed to maintain high-income
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